Linkin Park《Over Each Other》[MP3-320K/WAV/伴奏]

wdyjyx 2025-02-23 12:59:26 30

This is the letter that I / I didn’t write 这是我未曾写下的那封信笺
Looking for color in the / black and white 在黑与白之间寻找着色彩
Skyscrapers we created 由我们铸造的摩天大楼
On shaky ground 地基岌岌可危
And I’m trying to find my patience 我试图找回 我逝去的耐性
But you won’t let me breathe 但你让我无法顺畅呼吸
And I’m not ever right 从来我都只会犯错
All we are is talking 我们只彼此交谈着
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
There’s nothing underneath 浮于表面 纸上谈兵
It’s all a waste of time 都是浪费时间而已
All we are is talking 我们只彼此交谈着
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
Reaching for satellites 追寻着天际的卫星
But all along 可一直以来
Under your breath you’re saying 你却总会低声呢喃着
That I was wrong / oh 我已经大错特错
The skyscrapers we created 由我们铸造的摩天大楼
Are coming down 逐渐崩塌
And free falling to the pavement 钢筋瓦砾 坠落在人行道上
’Cause you won’t let me breathe 因为你让我无法顺畅呼吸
And I’m not ever right 从来我都只会犯错
All we are is talking 我们只彼此交谈着
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
There’s nothing underneath 浮于表面 纸上谈兵
It’s all a waste of time 都是浪费时间而已
All we are is talking 我们只彼此交谈着
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
Oh, are we over each other 噢 我们是否已经忘却彼此
Oh, are we over each other 噢 我们是否已经忘却彼此
Oh 噢
I can’t go to sleep 我辗转反侧
I lie awake at night 躺在床上难以入眠
I’m so tired of talking 我再也不想去试图交流
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
So say what’s underneath 所以 表面之下暗藏着什么
I want to see your side 我想看看你的阴暗面
We don’t have to be talking 而我们不需要使用语言
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
Over each other 言语跨越彼此
Over each other 言语跨越彼此





帖子版权声明 1、本帖标题:Linkin Park《Over Each Other》[MP3-320K/WAV/伴奏]
5、站长邮箱 除非注明,本帖由wdyjyx在本站《欧美》版块原创发布, 转载请注明出处!
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