Future / Travis Scott《SOUTH OF FRANCE》[MP3/MP3-320K]

wdyjyx 2025-02-23 13:16:01 28

South of France just drinkin' mud nigga 小子 我在法国南部肆意放纵
No matter how rich I get I still feel like a hood nigga Pluto 不管多富有 我都觉得自己还是个街头混混 Pluto
Call back to the city bullets flyin' 我回想起那座暴力肆虐的城市
Posted on Front Street start servin' dimes 我在弗朗特街头做小生意
On the way to buy a square re-rock a nine 我要去买点原料 然后加工好出售
I was in lil' Mexico once upon a time 我曾在小墨西哥混过
I started off in these streets young niggas dyin' 在年轻人频繁丧命的那些街头谋生
I done seen a nigga get what's supposed to come to him 我见过有个家伙恶有恶报 结局惨烈
You catch a nigga off guard you better run through him 趁那个坏小子猝不及防 你最好立即采取行动
All the good I manifested came true 我的美好愿景已经全部实现
Gotta talk about my dark days so you can see my light 我得聊聊自己悲催的过往 这样你才明白我现在有多耀眼眼
Get distracted lookin' at the ice send the European on flights 看着无瑕的钻石 我入了神 赶紧把那几个欧洲朋友送上飞机
Try flyin' in my rifle all the foreigns came with a title 我试着随身带武器 我的豪车都是合法所得
Some **** a nigga would've killed for same things don't excite us 那些让我兴奋至极的事情 如今再也无法燃起我的激情
New level life from a whole 'nother perspective 我要换个角度看待人生
The trenches look a little different when you in the inside of the Spectre 当你开着豪车驶入贫民窟 看到的景象将全然不同
The stars came in the door that's how I know this one is special 仿佛明星在万众瞩目下进场 我才明白 这次的感受十分特别
Some things I can't rap about wish I knew this was my destiny 有些事我不能写进歌里 希望我明白这就是我的宿命
South of France just drinkin' mud nigga 小子 我在法国南部肆意放纵
No matter how rich I get I still feel like a hood nigga 不管多富有 我都觉得自己还是个街头混混
South of France just drinkin' mud nigga 小子 我在法国南部肆意放纵
No matter how far you go you still gon' find a hood nigga 不管你多有成就 都无法摆脱街头混混的身份
South of France it ain't no Ocean Drive 法国南部的生活跟海洋大道截然不同
Drive 大道
300 feet size of the whip you see a ocean dry 坐在加长版豪车上 周围的一切都黯然失色
Slide 纵情驰骋
South of France to see some ******* but be wet inside 去法国南部看美女 我们已按耐不住兴奋
Splashin' 肆意挥洒激情
Southside when we pour the drink we let the system yank 在法国南部小酌时 我们会放松身心
Yank 放松身心
Southwest Airline Southside plane to make a shorty plank 在西南航空的班机上 与美女打情骂俏
Plank 打情骂俏
Told the captain find a place and empty out the tank 让机长找地方放空油箱 我也要放空自己
Okay 没问题
713 'round the world I think that **** my main 从休斯顿出发 环游世界 我觉得那个姑娘才是我的正牌女友
That's my baby 她是我的恋人
+33 under her name +6 for all my mains yeah +33是她国家的国际区号 而我的好友们则来自国际区号+6开头的国家
Straight up 真的
South of France a movie out in Cannes 《法国南部》也是一部在戛纳上映的电影
Thinkin' 'bout nights in the Mo' I need some more again 回想起在摩尔的点点滴滴 我想再感受一下其中乐趣
Again 再感受一下
Like Big Moe again I'm pourin' twin in slow motion 还是像Big Moe一样 我倒了两杯酒 开始细细品味
Again 再品味一次
Her body rock her body let her touch no holdin' hands 她纵情摇摆 不必刻意牵手 我们松弛又自在
Holdin' 牵手
Another 4 again at 4 a.m. with 4 of them 凌晨四点 我又跟四个兄弟狂嗨不止
4 of them 四个兄弟
They all Colombian I'm strugglin' to keep up with them 他们都是哥伦比亚人 我得努力追上他们的步伐
I really am 我尽显真我本色
We crash the party pack some bodies like to rub it in 我们闯入派对 带了几个朋友来找点乐子
Spread it on 'em 挥洒激情
We pack the yachty FBJack the code to get 'em in 我们纵享游艇派对 拿上邀请码 带朋友们进来
Swim 徜徉快乐中
Let 'em in yeah 让朋友们都进来吧
It's lit 气氛火爆
South of France just drinkin' mud nigga 小子 我在法国南部肆意放纵
No matter how rich I get I still feel like a hood nigga Pluto 不管多富有 我都觉得自己还是个街头混混 Pluto
South of France just drinkin' mud nigga 小子 我在法国南部肆意放纵
No matter how far you go you still gon' find a hood nigga 不管你多有成就 都无法摆脱街头混混的身份



帖子版权声明 1、本帖标题:Future / Travis Scott《SOUTH OF FRANCE》[MP3/MP3-320K]
5、站长邮箱:music@ktvyl.com 除非注明,本帖由wdyjyx在本站《欧美》版块原创发布, 转载请注明出处!
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